In production enterprises, cassettes are the most used packaging for carrying and transporting the production. Therefore, product residues or stains from the meat that was placed in them often remain on them.
For this reason, washing the cassettes is not just a requirement of the RZI, but also an important activity for maintaining their cleanliness and hygiene.
Cartridge washing is done with special cartridge washing machines. Their goal is to save manual labor and offer the perfect wash.
Cartridge washing with machines goes through three stages.
The first and most important is to remove the dried residue from the inside of the cartridges. The cassettes themselves are washed and finished with disinfection.
If you are the owner of an enterprise in the food industry, you know how important it is to properly wash the cartridges. In this category you can find professional washing machines for washing cassettes.
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Нова машина за измиване на касетки Kohlhoff KWM 100
Основни характеристики: Производител: Kohlhoff,Read more -
All, Washing machines, Washing machines for washing cassettes - new, New machines, Hygienic technique
Миялна машина за касетки
Машина за измиване на касетки KWM 240 Производител:Read more -
All, Washing machines, Washing machines for washing cassettes - new, New machines, Hygienic technique
Мини миялна машина
Машина за измиване на касетки KWM 100 Машината е отRead more -
All, Washing machines, Washing machines for washing cassettes - new, New machines, Hygienic technique
Индустриални миялни машини и линии
19,50000€/ БЕЗ ДДС за измиване на касетки KWM 350 Цена вRead more